Mike Patton + Tunde Adebimpe (TV On The Radio) + Doseone (al secolo Adam Drucker) = Nevermen
Il super-gruppo è in realtà al lavoro insieme da anni e a breve, le canzoni composte insieme, vedranno la luce nel debutto dei Nevermen
Primo ascolto questa “Tough Towns”, dedicata, secondo Drucker, ai ragazzini ‘bloccati’ nelle loro città :
“Tough Towns” is dedicated to anyone remotely young, feeling inexplicably inspired in the “‘nowhere’ they are from. May you soon escape with style into elsewhere.
Their self-titled album will feature 10 songs the trio worked on over the years. The 10 songs on the album don’t feature any other artists, just these three, however “fourth Never-man” Keith Tyson designed the album’s artwork. Listen to “Tough Towns” and check out the artwork below.