La Drag City ripubblicherà  “Knock Knock” degli Smog in occasione dei 20 anni dalla pubblicazione del disco.

La ristampa, la prima dal 1999 anno in cui uscì, arriverà  il prossimo 20 settembre.

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After all these years, who’s there? Why, it’s Bill Callahan, the super-sexy solo singer, driving though the front of our house once again in his 90s vintage vehicle”“ the Smog-mobile! And what’s he got there in the passenger seat? Hey, it’s the 20th anniversary half-speed master vinyl edition of the Smog classic, Knock Knock, by (we’ve been over this) Smog! Placing this LP on your turntable, you find yourself drawn ever-deeper into the sound ““ and it’s not just the eternally-stunning co-production from Bill and Jim O’Rourke, it’s the incredible focus brought by the half-speed mastering work done at Abbey Road, bringing out the highs, lows and yes, evenmids that OG fans of this album have taken for granted for too many years. The fresh fullness of the sound now stands as a tribute to the ol’ familiar Smog sensation of being somehow completely unfamiliar! Pre-order your copy now!

Un post condiviso da Drag City Records (@dragcityrecords) in data:

Bill Callahan, che di quegli Smog era il titolare principe, ha pubblicato quest’anno il suo nuovo disco solista. “Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest” (leggi la recensione) arriva 6 anni dopo il precedente “Dream River” (leggi la recensione).